
"Who's this woman?" She thought glaring at the woman who is currently grinning at Megumi.
"She's definitely not an ordinary cursed user!" Her eyes widen. "She's a curse!"

"Yuji..." She said catching Sukuna's attention. "Where's Yuji?!" She shouted at him making him smile evily.

"The brat can't switch back.. Too bad.." He smirked again. "He's not coming back!"

"He'll come back to us.." She said believing in her own words, she turned around to see Megumi facing the Kazumi lady.

"Hm? Then.." Before he can touch his chest she kicked him hard on his stomach sending him near the wall.

"I won't let you kill him!" She shouted.

"Fine.. I'll show you he won't come back!" He lunged forward punching her with equal strength on her stomach.
"You should be greatful.." He smirked looking at her standing form. "Your power existed because of me."


"Everything was planned.. One thousand years ago.. Even your birth," He started. "I, the King of the curses gave you.. The Six-eyes a thousand years ago.. Now, I'm taking it with me." He said. "Be my bride and let's be one again."


"Look at your pitiful face.. " the parasol lady laughed.
"It's been a while since I saw a ten shadow user.. Now... Let's begin!"

"She disappeared?!" He thought heightening his senses more.

Kazumi was known as 'The manipulator' her cursed technique enables her to blend with the shadows and possess her victim for as long as she wants.

She, Sukuna, Uraume and Kamo were allies before. Uraume died protecting their Master, Sukuna. Kamo, the headache of the alliance used his power to change bodies. Sukuna was sealed by the sorcerers. She survived, because she's a curse and since she can easily hide, it's very easy for her to adapt.

They were planning to take over the whole World before, but The king of curses was unexpectedly defeated for an unknown reason.

"Give me more time.." Kamo said.

"You better be ready.. Or I'll kill you." Sukuna glared at him.


"So everything was planned since before?!" She shouted looking at her opponent.

"Hm.. Yes."

"What's my connection with you?" She asked.

"Easy.." He smirked. "Your ancestors managed to seal me because of your past self."


"Kamo, he cursed your past self..

"After a Thousand years.. You'll rise up from the dead and will be with your other half."

"No... I won't! You can't have me!" She yelled.

"Then.. You can die.."


"What's with the ten shadow user?" Kazumi she asked looking at the men in front of her.

"I'll need them to summon Sukuna's body back." Kamo said.


Panting heavily, Megumi tried his best to stood up. Man.. He's not even an official student.. Now he's facing a very dangerous curse.

"Checkmate.." He heard a voice.


He fell on his knee gripping his head, trying to get his opponent out of his body.

"Megumi!" Sayuki glanced at him.

He opened his eyes, it's not his eyes.. It's glowing.
"Finally.." that's definitely not his voice.


"Oi.." Draken called the blonde beside Mikey. They are currently heading to Jujutsu High with the others.

"She said.." He stopped.

"Look lover boy.. I know her a lot longer than you.." The girl with green hair and glasses said. "She's a stubborn brat who will force everything just to make things go her way.. She's bad at concentration.. She loves sweet especially ice-cream..." Maki smiled.

"She's a softie.." Panda added. "She's easy to be around with but she's not really friendly.." He said making the three look at him. A talking panda. "If she hates you.. She hates you.." He laughed remembering the first time she met the Kyoto first years.

"She doesn't get a long with my twin sister, Nishimiya and Todou well." Maki said. "She told me that I'm better than my twin sister.. And she have a very bad attitude."

"She told Nishimiya that she's too annoying to hang around with.." Panda laughed seeing the expression on Nishimiya's face that time.

"Todou.. Well she really doesn't like him.. She's just not with Todou's ways of settling things.." Maki said.
"You guys are lucky.." She looked at them. "She like to be with you guys she even skipped training.." An irked mark appeared on her forehead.

"Yeah.. We're lucky to be friends with her." Mikey said.

"So stop moping around.. She just want to protect you." Maki looked at Chifuyu.


Kazutora slumped back on the wall. That's the first time of being beaten into a pulp by a small girl.

He remembered the anger present in her eyes the time she's throwing punches. She'll do everything for her friend...

Just like him before..

He'll do anything just to make Mikey happy but he unexpectedly took one of the most important people in his life.

"I.. Don't have to be guilty.. It's an accident.." He finally thought.

Then his eyes widen remembering he stabbed Baji.

"What have I done?"


The nurse went out of the room.
"The patient is fine now." They all sighed in relief.

"That Baji.. I will punch him after he recover." Smiley said.

"Thank goodness!" Takemichi groaned.

"I'm wondering what's happening there.." Angry said looking outside the window.

"Yeah.. I hope everything is okay.." Hakkai said.


Sayuki avoided Megumi's deadly kicks and punches, she's too exhausted. She just want a normal evening jog and now here she is, fighting with her own best friend.

"Megumi! Hear me please!" She pleaded, she doesn't want to hurt him.

She doesn't want to hurt anyone anymore..

"He can't hear you.. I own his body for now.." The parasol lady said inside Megumi's body.

Sukuna, he's amazed. Too bad she's too kind and naive.. She would be a perfect tool for mass murder.

"Entertain me more! Princess!" He grinned.


"We're here.." Maki said looking around the Campus hoping to find a walking tall palm tree.
"Satoru.. Where are you?!"

"Satoru?" Mikey asked.

"He's Sayuki-chan's older brother." Nobara said.

"So he's strong too?" Draken asked.

"Of course.. You don't know anything about the Gojo siblings?" Panda asked.

"They are like.. The strongest sorcerer existed in this era." Maki said.
"Her brother, Gojo Satoru.. He's the strongest sorcerer in this time."

"And Gojo Sayuki, the little sister, also known as the blessing.. The strongest sorcerer among all of the woman sorcerers, Second to her brother." Nobara said.

"Huh? I'm surprised you know it.." Panda said.

"Of course! I'm a sorcerer too Geeez.." She rolled her eyes.

"So she's like.. Super strong?" Draken asked.

"Yeah... Oi lover boy.." Maki karate chopped his head. "You're too quiet.. You can even surpass Inumaki here.."


"Did he just say 'Okaka'?" Mikey asked.

"He's a cursed speech user.. So in able to communicate with us safely.. He uses rice ball ingredients." Panda explained.

"Cool.. Now I'm hungry.." Mikey said.

"You guys knows too much.. I guess Sayuki explained it to you?" Panda asked

"Yeah.. We happened to be there when she exorcised... Many monsters so she have no choice but to say it to us!"
Mikey chirped.

"That dumbass.." Maki groaned. "That's clearly breaking the rules!" She wants to add more training for the Gojo princess now.
